Sweet Repeats
Semi-Annual consignment Event
**If you sign up and can't make it, find a replacement! We need all shifts to be filled to ensure a successful sale. Shifts that are not filled with replacements will result in no rewards! Thank You!
**Please Do Not bring children with you to volunteer! We won't be able to monitor them appropriately!!!
Why volunteer at our sale?
Work 4 hours
1. Early shopping privileges - Get your hands on great deals before anybody else! Even before Sellers!
Preview the sale - You can let your friends and family know what is going to be at the sale so they don't miss out on any bargains!
2. $15.00 Registration fee waived!!
3. Meet Others - A great opportunity to network with other people in the area.
4. Have Fun!! We always have fun at our sales!
Work 8 hours
1. Sellers earn 75% + all perks listed above
Work 12 hours total and 1 shift MUST be during resort shifts
If you do not work the full 12 hours with 1 shift being during resort shifts you are NOT eligible for the 80% perk!!!
1. Sellers earn 80% + all the other perks!
All volunteers MUST sign in and out to accurately keep track of your hours. If you do not sign in and out there will be no record of you working your shifts and your rewards may not be accurate. Sorry for the inconvenience but I want you to get your rewards!!!
We LOVE our VOLUNTEERS!!! Thank You!
One of the best perks is the presale! As a volunteer, you get the very first shopping opportunity! The sale will
be Wednesday from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. You may bring 1 friend!